Credit to this blog, who knows where they got it from: |
The weirdest thing in my short career in HR happened today (trust me, that's saying a lot!)... I posted an advertisement for my own job!
Once I sent out the internal postings, I immediately got a slew of emails. "B? Isn't this your job?" Which leads to "where are you going B?"
I'm lucky to work with some individuals who are my good friends (I wouldn't dare call them colleagues--we've been through thick and thin).
My very good and very devious friends!(Absolutely one of the reasons I love them).
We've decided that we are going to start a few eccentric rumors about where I'm going.
Won the lottery and off to travel the world? Sure!
Being sent to an inpatient psych facility? Why not! I mean they do drive me crazy there.
Obviously, I haven't told everyone I was leaving and why. It started with me not wanting to tell everyone about it, because I was afraid that if I failed it would be truly embarrassing to stick around. It ended with me thinking, its not their business! Of course, I told those devious friends I mentioned earlier.
I also told my boss.
I went back and forth about that one for a while. I wasn't sure how supportive my boss would be when I told her that I was leaving. It turns out that I lucked out! My boss is one awesome lady. She even ended up writing me a letter of recommendation. I don't think there are many people who can say that they have a boss that was willing to help them move on!
One of these days, I'll tell the story of why I'm working in HR and why I'm going to Med School. Today is not that day!
Happy Friday all!